CAMS v. 0.40.x and Polar Device Integration Released
CARP Mobile Sensing A new major release of CARP Mobile Sensing is now available (version 0.40.0). This release has a number of new and improved features: There are a few …
CARP Mobile Sensing A new major release of CARP Mobile Sensing is now available (version 0.40.0). This release has a number of new and improved features: There are a few …
Summary of changes: As of Health 4.0.0 the plugin now supports workouts on Apple Health for iOS and using Google Fit for Android. Additionally, Health 4.0.0 also adds support for …
The first stable version of the CARP Core Framework has been released, available for Kotlin multiplatform projects or any JVM runtime through Maven, and for JavaScript/TypeScript as downloadable UMD modules. …
In a recent paper [1], we have documented the “Sampling Package” and “Data Transformer” software patterns used in CAMS. The patterns are core to CAMS and are the enablers of …
Creating cognitive assessment tests is the core features of Cognition Package. This tutorial will guide you through how to create the needed domain model objects for a cognitive assessment task, …
Research Package (RP) supports localization, i.e., the ability to support different languages in an app. This is done in different ways and this tutorial seeks to provide an overview of …
A core feature of Research Package is to create and collect informed consent from users participating in a research study. This entails providing a set of information pages (called “consent …
Creating surveys is one of the core features of ResearchPackage. This tutorial will guide you through how to create the needed domain model objects for a survey task, how to …
This tutorial describes the overall software architecture of ResearchPackage and its API, and how to get started. Architecture and API API Naming We are following the API naming pattern from …
CARP Core has been in continuous development for almost four years now. It has grown to encompass 27,025 lines of code across 10 submodules. Currently, it is used to host …