
Obtaining Consent

A core feature of Research Package is to create and collect informed consent from users participating in a research study. This entails providing a set of information pages (called “consent …

Creating a Survey

Creating surveys is one of the core features of ResearchPackage. This tutorial will guide you through how to create the needed domain model objects for a survey task, how to …

Research Package API

This tutorial describes the overall software architecture of ResearchPackage and its API, and how to get started. Architecture and API API Naming We are following the API naming pattern from …

Upcoming CARP Core 1.0 milestone

CARP Core has been in continuous development for almost four years now. It has grown to encompass 27,025 lines of code across 10 submodules. Currently, it is used to host …

CAMS v. 0.21.x has been released

With the release of carp_mobile_sensing version 0.21.0 the software architecture and hence API has changed to some degree. In this post, we want to provide you a little background on …

CAMS Support for AppTask is Released

In version 0.10.0 of carp_mobile_sensing there is now support for the so-called application tasks – or AppTask in short. An AppTask is a special type of Task that allow you to create …