Obtaining Consent
A core feature of Research Package is to create and collect informed consent from users participating in a research study. This entails providing a set of information pages (called “consent …
A core feature of Research Package is to create and collect informed consent from users participating in a research study. This entails providing a set of information pages (called “consent …
Creating surveys is one of the core features of ResearchPackage. This tutorial will guide you through how to create the needed domain model objects for a survey task, how to …
This tutorial describes the overall software architecture of ResearchPackage and its API, and how to get started. Architecture and API API Naming We are following the API naming pattern from …
CARP Core has been in continuous development for almost four years now. It has grown to encompass 27,025 lines of code across 10 submodules. Currently, it is used to host …
A null-safe version of Research Package has been released as version 0.6.0. In addition to upgrading to Dart null-safety, the release also contain better support for customizing UI theming, and …
As described in a previous post, we are moving towards releasing version 1.0.0 of CARP Mobile Sensing (CAMS). One important step on this path is to update the entire suite …
We have previously investigated the so-called “sampling coverage” of CAMS for Android 10. These tests showed back then a very good – 100% – sampling coverage – i.e., CAMS were …
With the release of carp_mobile_sensing version 0.21.0 the software architecture and hence API has changed to some degree. In this post, we want to provide you a little background on …
We have just published a review of a 28 academic and 9 commercial mHealth sensing frameworks in the ACM Transactions on Computing in Healthcare. Devender Kumar, Steven Jeuris, Jakob E. …
In version 0.10.0 of carp_mobile_sensing there is now support for the so-called application tasks – or AppTask in short. An AppTask is a special type of Task that allow you to create …