
CAMS v. 1.0 Released

A new major and stable (non-beta) release of CARP Mobile Sensing is now available (version 1.0). This release has several new and improved features: There are many more changes – please check the ChangeLog on …

DiaFocus Study Published

The DiaFocus system – which is built on top of CARP – has been documented and published as part of a feasibility study. The paper is published in the ACM Transaction …

CARP Core 1.0 Release

The first stable version of the CARP Core Framework has been released, available for Kotlin multiplatform projects or any JVM runtime through Maven, and for JavaScript/TypeScript as downloadable UMD modules. …

woman using cognition package app

Creating Cognitive Tests

Creating cognitive assessment tests is the core features of Cognition Package. This tutorial will guide you through how to create the needed domain model objects for a cognitive assessment task, …

ICAT Validation Study Published

The Internet Based Cognitive Assessment Tool (ICAT) (Hafiz et al., 2019) is a web-based self-administered objective screening tool for remote testing of cognitive functioning. ICAT is implemented as a web …