Coverage Analysis on Android 14 and iOS 18
As part of the CATCH project, we have recently done a series of our so-called “Sampling Coverage” tests where we test the sampling of data in CARP Mobile Sensing. There …
As part of the CATCH project, we have recently done a series of our so-called “Sampling Coverage” tests where we test the sampling of data in CARP Mobile Sensing. There …
Neuropathy is a common complication of diabetes and chemotherapy and if not diagnosed and treated early, it can lead to severe health problems like diabetic foot ulcers. Therefore, early detection, …
Ambulant indsamling af elektrokardiogram og adfærdsmæssig datatil udvikling af algoritmer til identification af tidlige tegn på forværring af hjertesvigt Velkommen! Vi vil gerne spørge, om du ønsker at deltage i …
When you try to log in, you may get a “502 Bad Gateway” error shown in the browser window, like below. To fix this, you need to clear your cache …
The Department of Health Technology at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU HEALTH) is looking for a study manager to assist in the recruitment and management of a larger cardiovascular …
Our Flutter Health package, available on, allows developers to integrate health and fitness data from multiple platforms in their apps, such as Apple HealthKit on iOS, Google Health Connect, …
Google has (finally) approved the CARP Studies app and is now released and published in the Google Play Store. You can read more on the app’s overall design and the …
CARP – or more precisely the CARP Web Services (CAWS) – are now live and available on Computerome at DTU Health Tech. This marks a major milestone for CARP and …
As part of continued support for cardiovascular studies (like REAFEL and CATCH) we have now released the carp_movesense_package sampling package for the CARP Mobile Sensing (CAMS) framework that supports the …
This is a step-by-step guide on how you – as a study participant – can install and use the CARP Studies App. If you are new to CARP, you can …