CARP Cognition Package is a Flutter package for building cognitive tests for study apps on Android and iOS built using the Research Package and Flutter.
CARP Cognition Package is a Flutter implementation of a cognitive test battery including 14 validated gold-standard cognitive tests spanning all 8 Neurocognitive domains.
The overarching goal of Cognition Package is to enable developers and researchers to design and build cross-platform (iOS and Android) cognitive assessment applications that rely on validated gold-standard cognitive tests.
When combined with Research Package, Cognition Package meets the requirements of most scientific research, including capturing participant consent, extensible input tasks, and the security and privacy needs necessary for IRB approval. The current set of cognitive tests in the Cognition Package are shown below.

Multiple Object Tracking


Picture Sequence Memory

Verbal Recognition memory

Delayed Recall

Visual Array Change

Reaction Time

Trail Making

Letter Tapping

Paired Associates Learning

Tapping Speed

Corsi Block Tapping

Stroop Effect

Rapid Visual Information Processing
Using the Cognitive Tests
The tests in Cognition Package are called ActivitySteps
. They derive from Steps
in the research package and can hence be used inside a RPTask
along with other types of Steps
. Each test consists of 3 key sections – the instructions for the test, the test itself, and the results of the test.
See the “Creating Cognitive Tests” tutorial on how to create and use the cognitive tests.
Tests included in the Package
Here you find information about the cognitive areas each test covers, as well as all the customization options for each test.
Corsi Block Tapping Test
Testing Area:
The Corsi Block Tapping Test covers and assesses spatial processing, visual processing and working memory.
Optional Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
includeInstructions | If false then instructions are not shown. true as default. |
includeResults | If false then results are not shown. true as default. |
Logged Information:
- Times of each stage (Start and end of Instruction, Task, Result)
- Correctly repeating the highlighted tiles – correct gesture, log number of attempts and the tapped order.
- Failing to repeat highlighted tiles first time – incorrect gesture, log the incorrect input and the correct order.
- Failing test by tapping wrong order of tiles second time – incorrect gesture, log the incorrect user input and the correct order.
Letter A Tapping Test
Testing Area:
The Letter A Tapping Test covers and assesses auditory processing and sustained attention.
Optional Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
includeInstructions | If false then instructions are not shown. true as default. |
includeResults | If false then results are not shown. true as default. |
Logged Information:
- Times of each stage (Start and end of Instruction, Task, Result)
- Tapping button at letter “a” – correct gesture, log letter list, marking the correct “a”.
- Tapping with delay at letter “a” – correct gesture, log letter list, marking the correct “a”.
- Tapping multiple times at letter “a” – correct gesture, log letter list, marking the correct “a”.
- No Button tap at an “a” – incorrect gesture, log letter list, marking the missed “a”.
- Tapping at a wrong letter – incorrect gesture, log letter list, marking the incorrectly tapped letter.
Paired Associates Learning Test
Testing Area:
The Paired Associates Learning Test covers and assesses working memory and visual processing.
Optional Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
includeInstructions | If false then instructions are not shown. true as default. |
includeResults | If false then results are not shown. true as default. |
maxTestDuration | Maximum duration of the test. 100 secounds as default |
Logged Information:
- Times of each stage (Start and end of Instruction, Task, Result)
- Tapping tile matching middle object – correct gesture, log current difficulty and the tapped tile.
- Tapping tile not matching middle object – incorrect gesture, log current difficulty and the tapped tile.
Rapid Visual Information Processing Test
Testing Area:
The Rapid Visual Information Processing Test covers and assesses sustained attention, processing speed, working memory and visual processing.
Optional Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
includeInstructions | If false then instructions are not shown. true as default. |
includeResults | If false then results are not shown. true as default. |
interval | Highest number to choose. E.g. 5 is (0 – 5). 9 as default |
lenghtOfTest | Duration of test. 90 seconds as default |
sequence | Sequence of numbers that the testee must keep track of |
Logged Information:
- Times of each stage (Start and end of Instruction, Task, Result)
- Tapping button after sequence appeared – correct gesture, log amount of sequences passed, delay time on tap and the total sequence of numbers displayed.
- Tapping when sequence has not appeared – incorrect gesture, log amount of sequences passed and the total sequence of numbers displayed.
Reaction Time Test
Testing Area:
The Reaction Time Test covers and assesses psycho-motor speed, processing speed, visual processing and sustained attention.
Optional Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
includeInstructions | If false then instructions are not shown. true as default. |
includeResults | If false then results are not shown. true as default. |
lengthOfTest | Duration of test. 30 seconds as default. |
switchInterval | Max seconds passed before triggerering the reaction (switch to green). 4 as default. |
Logged Information:
- Times of each stage (Start and end of Instruction, Task, Result)
- Tapping screen when green – correct gesture, log amount of time passed since screen turned green.
- Tapping screen when red – incorrect gesture, log that the screen was pressed prematurely.
Stroop Effect Test
Testing Area:
The Stroop Effect Test covers and assesses visual processing, processing speed and selective attention.
Optional Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
includeInstructions | If false then instructions are not shown. true as default. |
includeResults | If false then results are not shown. true as default. |
lenghtOfTest | Duration of test. 30 seconds as default. |
displayTime | Amount of time each word is displayed in milliseconds. 1000ms as default. |
delayTime | Amount of time between words in milliseconds. 750ms as default. |
Logged Information:
- Times of each stage (Start and end of Instruction, Task, Result)
- Tapping correct color word – correct gesture, log the color of the displayed word and what it spelled, along with total amount of words displayed.
- Tapping incorrect color word – incorrect gesture, log the tapped color, what color should have been tapped, what the displayed word spelled and the total amount of words displayed.
- No color word tapped in time – incorrect gesture, log what the word spelled, its color and total amount of words passed.
Finger Tapping Test
Testing Area:
The Finger Tapping Test covers and assesses sensory-motor skills.
Optional Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
includeInstructions | If false then instructions are not shown. true as default. |
includeResults | If false then results are not shown. true as default. |
lenghtOfTest | Duration of test. 30 seconds as default. |
Logged Information:
- Times of each stage (Start and end of Instruction, Task, Result)
- Tapping a button – correct gesture, log if left or right button was tapped.
Trail Making Test
Testing Area:
The Trail Making Test covers and assesses spatial processing, logic / reasoning and visual processing.
Optional Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
includeInstructions | If false then instructions are not shown. true as default. |
includeResults | If false then results are not shown. true as default. |
trailType | A shows only numbers, while B interchanges between numbers and letters. A as default. |
Logged Information:
- Times of each stage (Start and end of Instruction, Task, Result)
- Correctly draw a path between two blocks – correct gesture, log start and end block of drawing.
- Start drawing from correct block to a wrong one – incorrect gesture, log which block was incorrectly hit and what the correct one was.
- Drawing a path which has wrong starting point – incorrect gesture, log which block should have been the starting point.
- Drawing a path which has wrong end point – incorrect gesture, log which block would have been the correct end point.
Multiple Object Tracking
Testing Area:
The Multiple Object Tracking Test covers and assesses visuomotor coordination and attention.
Optional Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
includeInstructions | If false then instructions are not shown. true as default. |
includeResults | If false then results are not shown. true as default. |
numberOfTests | Maximum number of the trials. 3 trials as default. |
amountOfDots | Maximum number of distractor dots. 5 dots as default. |
amountOfTargets | Maximum number of target dots. 2 dots as default. |
dotSize | Size of dots. 100 pixels as default. |
trackingSpeed | Speed of dots moving. 5 seconds as default. |
Logged Information:
- Times of each stage (Start and end of Instruction, Task, Result)
- Mistakes made in each trial
- Time taken to find targets each trial
Visual Array Change
Testing Area:
The Visual Array Change Test covers and assesses visual perception, feature binding, and working memory.
Optional Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
includeInstructions | If false then instructions are not shown. true as default. |
includeResults | If false then results are not shown. true as default. |
numberOfTests | Maximum number of the trials. 3 trials as default. |
lengthOfTest | Maximum duration of the test. 90 seconds as default. |
numberOfShapes | Maximum number of shapes. 3 shapes as default. |
waitTime | Time between the presentation and the interaction stage. 2 seconds as default. |
Logged Information:
- Times of each stage (Start and end of Instruction, Task, Result)
- wrong guesses made in each trial
- Correct guesses made in each trial
- Time taken to memorize shapes in each trial
- Time taken to decide in each trial
Testing Area:
The Flanker Test covers and assesses attention and inhibitory control.
Optional Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
includeInstructions | If false then instructions are not shown. true as default. |
includeResults | If false then results are not shown. true as default. |
lengthOfTest | Maximum duration of the test. 90 seconds as default. |
numberOfCards | Maximum number of stimuli cards. 25 cards as default. |
Logged Information:
- Times of each stage (Start and end of Instruction, Task, Result)
- wrong swipes done
- Correct swipes done
- congruent times
- incongruent times
Picture Sequence Memory
Testing Area:
The Picture Sequence Memory Test covers and assesses episodic memory.
Optional Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
includeInstructions | If false then instructions are not shown. true as default. |
includeResults | If false then results are not shown. true as default. |
numberOfTests | Maximum number of the trials. 3 trials as default. |
lengthOfTest | Maximum duration of the test. 90 seconds as default. |
numberOfPics | Maximum number of images. 3 images as default. |
Logged Information:
- Times of each stage (Start and end of Instruction, Task, Result)
- number of moves done
- number of pairs correctly placed
- time taken to memorize the list of images
- time taken to move images back to original positions
Verbal Recognition Memory
Testing Area:
The Verbal Recognition Memory Test covers and assesses verbal memory, new learning, and language.
Optional Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
includeInstructions | If false then instructions are not shown. true as default. |
includeResults | If false then results are not shown. true as default. |
numberOfTests | Maximum number of the trials. 1 trials as default. |
lengthOfTest | Maximum duration of the test. 90 seconds as default. |
Logged Information:
- Times of each stage (Start and end of Instruction, Task, Result)
- Words recalled in each trial
- Time taken to recall words in each trial
Delayed Recall
Testing Area:
The Delayed Recall Test covers and assesses episodic memory.
Optional Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
includeInstructions | If false then instructions are not shown. true as default. |
includeResults | If false then results are not shown. true as default. |
numberOfTests | Maximum number of the trials. 1 trials as default. |
lengthOfTest | Maximum duration of the test. 90 seconds as default. |
Logged Information:
- Times of each stage (Start and end of Instruction, Task, Result)
- Words recalled
- Time taken to recall words